We are delighted to announce that the Ledbury Estate in Peckham, South East London has achieved planning! The redevelopment of the 1960s estate will provide 224 council homes for existing residents with an additional 116 mixed-tenure homes, alongside a new community (TRA) hall, commercial spaces, a biodiverse landscape and public realm.
The renewal by Southwark Council was decided upon following concerns raised in 2017 by residents regarding fire safety and the structural integrity of the four existing tower blocks on the estate. Having evaluated options for the retention and replacement of buildings, residents voted via ballot in 2021 for renewal to take place.
XCO2 are providing M&E and Environmental Planning Consultancy to support the development of this scheme, including Energy and Sustainability, Circular Economy, Whole Life Carbon, Overheating, Wind Microclimate, Air Quality, Noise Impact and Health Impact Assessments. Work is planned to begin on-site later this year.

Full team:
Lead Architect, Lead Masterplanner: Karakusevic Carson Architects
Wider design team: Office Sian and Studio Gil
MEP Engineering: XCO2
Lead Landscape Architect: Studio ONB
Landscape collaborator: NIMTIM ARCHITECTS LTD
Lighting Designer: Light Follows Behaviour
Ecology: Ecology Consultancy
Structural Engineering: Elliott Wood
Geotechnical Engineering: GCG Engineering
Civil Engineering: Lewis Hubbard Engineering
Heritage and Townscape: Townscape Consultancy
Planning: CMA Planning
Transport: Velocity
Fire Engineering: BB7 Fire Consulting
Sunlight/Daylight: Consultant Waldrams

Images: Marta Catillo