POE and Energy Audits

Post-Occupancy Evaluations

At XCO2, we are passionate about post-occupancy evaluation. Learning from buildings in-use, whether they are XCO2 projects or not, provides extremely useful feedback which we can integrate into our future design or disseminate to our client or wider project team. We encourage our clients to make post-occupancy evaluation part of a project programme from the outset. We feel it is important as a wider design community to learn from the in-use performance of our building. Our post occupancy services include:

  • Review of design and construction information
  • Utility performance analysis
  • Sub metering analysis and TM22 energy assessment
  • Sustainability performance assessment
  • Walk-around surveys
  • Occupant satisfaction surveys including the BUS Methodology
  • Internal comfort monitoring
  • Thermal imaging

Our team’s participation in post-occupancy evaluation studies ensures that they understand the reality of how a building performs in use and are not clouded by predicted design performance.

Energy Audits

Monitoring the actual energy performance of buildings is essential to operating them efficiently. Through collection and analysis of detailed metered data, areas of energy waste can be identified and appropriate action taken. Monitoring non-energy-related performance is also important for managing water use, tracking waste, monitoring comfort conditions and measuring occupant satisfaction. Our team includes experts in Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) experienced in assisting building owners to optimise the performance of their properties.

We use the latest techniques to measure and analyse data collected, benchmark the performance of buildings against industry standards and make comparisons to their competitors. We have carried out monitoring of buildings that we have designed, which is useful for the building tenants and allows us to validate our design predictions and correct commissioning problems.